Dr. Tammy is a compassionate Veterinarian, who prides herself in patient wellbeing, as well as the understanding of emotions expressed by pet owners who visit her clinic in times of need. She had the dream of owning and running her own Veterinary clinic from the onset of her career and she realised the dream in August of 2016. The clinic client growth is a testimony to her humble and caring attitude towards her patients and their owners alike. Caring and calming, sympathetic and loving, gentle and kind. These are some of the words that come to mind when describing Tammy's attitude towards her patients and clients. She grew up in the local area, Widenham to be precise, and was elated to be able to practice so close to where she grew up. Dr. Tammy is a loving mother, wife, daughter and granddaughter, with a dedicated passion towards being a Veterinarian, who always strives to do her utmost best for her patients.
Dr. Zank is well known to you all as valued clients of the clinic and her caring nature towards her patients is always appreciated. With ample experience, she has proven to be an asset. She is often referred to as the "cat lady" due to her keen interest and passion for her feline patients. Dr. Zank has a personal love for Siamese Fighter Fish and has an exquisite collection at home.
Belinda is a loyal hard working individual, and has been with the clinic for many years. She has a remarkable gift of keeping the reception area calm in the event of chaos. A gem of a lady! Belinda has her own menagerie of pets at home that keep her and her family constantly entertained.
Gen joined the clinic at the end of 2016. Her excitement and enthusiasm towards your fur-babies always seems to bring a smile to our clients faces.If Gen could, she would adopt every fur-baby that needed a home.
Sbo, as she is know at the clinic, is a hard working individual and a long standing member of the clinic family. She is a quiet individual who always presents the biggest and most precious smile! She is always happy to help wherever needed.
Keni is our senior kennel hand who is ever present to assist the doctors. He is exceptionally compassionate towards the patients and well skilled in the handling of patients.
Solo is the newest addition to the clinic family and is Keni's nephew, and a gentle kennel hand. He has grown into his role well at the clinic and has a bright future with us.
Duke arrived in an extremely poor state. There were doubts as to his probability of pulling through. He had an extreme infection to his face. Persistence paid off and he found his forever home with us at the clinic
Iris came in with a broken leg. After Dr Tammy did the repair surgery iris decided that the clinic was her home and we welcomed her in.
© 2018 Seadoone VET Pty Ltd. by Plexus Designs